Dr. Zenab El Kady » Morning Line Up & Question of the Day

Morning Line Up & Question of the Day


The Morning Line-up


To give our students everything they need to stay focused in class, we like to start the day with breakfast. After breakfast and before classes start at 8:00, there's an interim period of 20 minutes that we utilize every day to provide students with a second "breakfast." Not breakfast for their bodies, but breakfast for their minds and souls. This "breakfast," or our daily Line-Ups, as we like to call them, is comprised of Quran, hadith, and the morning duaa. In addition to that, we have students showcase their performances and talents, be it a speech they prepared or a science project they've been working on. Then, we take a few minutes to update students with announcements from their teachers, before introducing them to the Question of the Day.


The heart of every Line-Up is the Question of the Day. It's essentially a question revolved around our weekly/monthly theme or focus that we post for the students to answer.  These themes and topics are driven by the interests or concerns of our students, staff, parents and general school community.   All students that answer have the opportunity to win prizes every day.  On Fridays we try to instill that Jummahs are special so students look for to the "Jummah Bonus Questions" when they earn monetary prizes.  There a are also Double Bonus Questions that occur after each topic where students are required to go home and share what they learned with at least 5 other people.  Question of the Day, is a mini teaching moment every morning for all K-5 students every morning before starting their day.


The Line-Ups are essential to our daily routine as they not only give students the opportunity to be involved and informed about everything that goes on at Al-Madinah, but also provide a basis and structure for every day. They set the tone, provide an outlook, and give each student something to look forward to in the mornings.


The topics for these Line-Ups vary daily. Some topics are revisited every year, but others are introduced regularly to spark students' curiosity and keep them engaged. We urge parents to ask their children about what they learn from their Line-Ups and to encourage their participation as well.