Br. Siraj's Global HIstory & Geography

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10_GHG_Study_Guide for Test 2, MP 2, Fall 2018

Review the following names and terms 

  • Senate
  • Consul
  • Praetor
  • Triumvirate
  • Theodosius the Great
  • Constantine
  • Patrician
  • Plebian
  • Ibn Sina
  • Ibn Rushd
  • Ibn Khaldun
  • Omar Khayyam
  • Al-Khawarizmi
  • Pax Romana
  • Hijrah
  • Yathrib
  • Shari‘ah
  • Arabian Nights

 Review the Following Questions:

  1. What impact did Diocletian’s and Constantine’s reforms have on Rome?
  2. Under which emperor did Rome accept Christianity as official religion? What impact did it have on Rome?
  3. How is jihad different from holy war?
  4. Why do Muslim women cover?
  5. How is Shari‘ah relevant to Muslim life?
  6. How did Muslim Golden age contribute to European resurgence?
  7. What is the impact/significance of the Hijrah?
  8. What is Islam’s position about visual arts? Why aren’t there any image of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)?
Essay: Causes of the Decline and Fall of Rome.

Study Questions for Global Quiz 3 of MP 2

  • Where did the Greeks create their first state? What was it?
  • How do we know about Mycenaean Greeks?
  • Who was Homer and What is famous for?
  • How was the religious beliefs of Greek People? Were did they think their gods live?
  • What was the first Greek state?
  • What was a Polis? How was a polis divided?
  • How were the Greek city states of Athens and Sparta different?
  • What was the result of Alexander’s conquests?
  • What is a Hellenistic Kingdom? How many were they? What are they?
  • What were the contributions of Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?
  • Who were two main historians of Greece? What did they write? Who is considered the greatest historian of the ancient world?
  • What is a Republic? Why did the Romans create a republic instead of a monarchy?
  • Which people actually built Rome into a city?
  • What were the two social classes of Rome?
  • How is a oligarchy and democracy different?
  • What is a triumvirate? How many triumvirates were formed in Rome? Who formed them?
  • What are Rome’s main contributions?
  • What is Pax Romana? When was created? How long did it last?
  • What caused Rome to Decline and finally fall?
  • What happened to Roman empire after the fall of Rome in 476 C.E.

10th Grade_ Global History -Study Questions Test 1, MP 2, Fall 2018

Study Guide for Test 1, Marking Period 2, Fall 2018

Global History & Geography / 10th Grade


  1. What is anthropology?
  2. What is prehistory? How do we learn about prehistoric societies?
  3. What is the name of the subspecies of all modern human beings?
  4. What is civilization and what are its elements?
  5. What is Paleolithic age and what did humans do during that time?
  6. What does Neolithic age mean? What is its signify characteristic?
  7. What was the result of the Neolithic revolution? How did that happen?
  8. Which was the first empire in human history? Who built that empire?
  9. What is Cuneiform?
  10. What is Hammurabi’s most famous contribution?
  11. What is considered the beginning of Egyptian history? In how many periods is Egyptian history divided?
  12. What is Hieroglyphics? What is Hieratic script?
  13. What is special about the Israelites and their prophets?
  14. What is the main invention of Phoenicians? How is that invention relevant to us now?
  15. What is a theocratic government?
  16. What does “Mandate of Heaven” mean? Who promoted the idea and claimed it for them? What other thing did this concept justify?
  17. What were the main characteristics of Harappan cities?
  18. How did Qin Shihuangdi divide his government’s central bureaucracy? What branch was responsible for what?
  19. How did Shihuangdi unify China?
  20. What was the main architectural achievement of Sumerian People? What did they do with that architectural invention?
  21. What were the achievements of Indus Valley Civilization? How was this civilization destroyed?
  22. Who were the Indo Aryans? Where in India did they settle? What kind of kingdom did they developed? What writing system did they develop and what did they do with their writings?



Essay: Qin Shihuangdi’s actions and methods of unification of China?