Br. Siraj's Global HIstory & Geography

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Study Guide for Quiz 3 on Imperialism

Study Guide for Quiz 3 on Imperialism

Study the Following:
  • What is imperialism? What are the causes of Imperialism? What role Industrialization might have played in imperialism?
  • How did Americans open up Japan?
  • What do the following terms mean:
    • Protectorate
    • indirect rule
    • direct rule
    • sphere of Influence
    • extraterritorial rights
    • sepoy rebellion
    • boxer rebellion
    • taiping rebellion
    • white man's burden
  • What were the unequal treaties?
  • What was the opium war? What were its impacts?
  • What were the impacts of British imperialism in India?
  • What were the impacts of Imperialism in Africa?
  • How did Imperialism create nationalism in colonial countries?
  • Which African countries remained free from European imperialism?
  • What was the purpose of Berlin Conference?
  • how did the colonial people resist imperialism?

10th Grade Study Guide for Quiz on Industrial Revolution

The Quiz on Thursday [02/21/19] will be on Industrial Revolution and Its Impacts. Study the following very well:
  • What was agrarian revolution? How did it change production of food before industrial revolution?
  • What did the “enclosure movement” during agrarian revolution do? How did that help industrial revolution?
  • What factors in Britain/England caused industrial revolution to begin there?
  • What natural resources were vital to industrial revolution? How were they used?
  • What inventions were vital in the beginning of industrial revolution? Who invented what machine or machine parts and how were those machines used?
  • How was cottage industry change?
  • How did factory system work? How was workers’ lives affected by factory system?
  • What is urbanization? What caused urbanization? How did urbanization affect people’s lives? What problems did urban communities face? What happened to rural life?
  • What do the following terms mean: capital, entrepreneurship, enterprise, laissez-faire, bourgeoisie, proletariat, socialism, utopian socialism, scientific socialism, romanticism, realism, impressionism.
  • What role did the following people play during industrial revolution and after: James Watt, James Hargreaves, Carl Marx, Adam Smith, Jeremey Bentham, and John Stuart Mill.
  • What caused mass movement of people during the late 1800s? Think about some specific people and their reason for migration.

10th Grade - Study Guide for Test 1, MP1, Spring 2019



Study Guide


Topics Covered: (1) Scientific Revolution, (2) Enlightenment, and (3) French Revolution.

Read your homework packages, class-notes and textbook

Test Day/Date: Thursday / February 14, 2019


  • What is scientific revolution? What branch of science was most affected by it?
  • What is the geocentric model of the universe and who proposed this model?
  • What is the heliocentric model of the universe and who proposed that model?
  • What was Isaac Newton’s contribution about the study of the astronomy and the universe?
  • What is rationalism? Who is considered the father of rationalism?
  • What is “scientific method” and who coined the term?
  • How did Galileo Galilee contribute to the study of the heavenly bodies?
  • What is enlightenment and what is its central focus? How did it go against the divine right theory or absolutism?
  • How did John Locke view citizenship and government? What ideas did he present about people and government and natural rights? Which document best reflects his ideas?
  • How did Montesquieu contribute to the development of modern governments? Where was his idea implemented?
  • What ideas did Voltaire and Rousseau promote?
  • What is despotism? Who would be an enlightened despot? How?
  • What were the causes of French revolution?
  • What were some events of the French revolution’s beginning?
  • What was “Estates General”? How was it composed?
  • What was Bastille? How is it related to French Revolution?
  • What is “Reign of Terror”? What happened during the “reign of terror?”
  • What role did Maximilien Robespierre play in French revolution?
  • How did Napoleon gain power in France? What contribution did he make?
  • What caused Napoleon’s army’s disaster in Russia?
  • What caused Napoleon’s final defeat? Where was he finally defeated, by who?
  • What were some important results of French Revolution?
  • What did the following people do: Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simón Bolívar, and José de San Martin?

 Explain the causes of French Revolution and its Impact


10th Grade _ quiz 2 _ MP3 _ Fall 18

Study Renaissance and Reformation and study the following questions:

  • What was Renaissance?
  • What were the characteristics of Renaissance?
  • What caused the renaissance to happen?
  • What is humanism? What did the renaissance educators emphasize?
  • What role did Erasmus play in humanism?
  • How were the renaissance artists supported or patronized?
  • Who are the main artists of high renaissance?
  • What is the characteristics of Renaissance Art and sculpture?
  • Who invented printing press? What role did it play in renaissance and reformation?
  • What did the artists of Northern Europe paint
  • What did the renaissance writer Machiavelli write about in his book “the prince”?
  • What is reformation? What were the causes of reformation?
  • What did martin Luther teach in his 95 theses?
  • What did John Calvin teach? What did his consistory do?
  • What did King Henry VIII of England do in reformation?
  • What was counter reformation?
  • What was done in the “Council of Trent”?
  • Who was Ignatius of Loyola? What role did he play in counter reformation?
  • Who were the Anabaptists? What did they believe?