Br. Siraj's Global HIstory & Geography Assignments

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Global History Project: Current Events
You'll choose a news article and analyse it according to the instructions in the attached sheet.
Download it and complete the work.



I hope you remember that your practice take home exam is due tomorrow [04/29/2019].
Attached here is the Multiple choice answer sheet. Down load it and transfer your answers here. Submit it to me by the first period tomorrow.
Thank you.
Br. Siraj



Here is the test to do:



Please download the reading assignment attached here, complete and submit by the due date



Download the reading assignment homework package and complete & submit by the due date.



This is you r study guide for tomorrow's quiz.
The following topics will be covered:
Cold war and China's communist revolution
Study the following questions:
  • What was Cold War?
  • What do the following U.S. policies mean and why were they formed:
    1. Truman Doctrine
    2. Containment
    3. Domino Theory
    4. Marshall Plan
  • What was COMECON? Who formed it and why?
  • Why was the Berlin Wall built?
  • What are the following two organizations and what were supposed to do:
    1. NATO
    2. Warsaw Pact
  • When did China become communist? Who lead the communist revolution in China?
  • Why did Mao Zedong adopt the policies of Long March, Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution? What do they mean? How were they supposed to be implemented? What effect did they have on China?
  • What was Communes? Why were they formed
  • How did Deng Xiaoping change Mao’s policy? What reforms did Deng adopt? What impact did Deng’s policies have on China?
  • Why were the communists gain victory over the nationalists in China?
  • What impact did the Soviet launching of Sputnik 1 have on the Cold War?
  • How did the Cold War heat up?
  • Who are the following people and what did they do:
    1. Nikita Khrushchev
    2. Imre Nagy
    3. Alexander Dubcek
    4. Pol Pot
    5. Khmer Rouge
  • What was Prague Spring?
  • How and why Germany and Korea were divided?



Please download the reading activity sheets. Print them double-sided. Answer the questions and submit the work on time.



Please complete the reading comprehension assignment. This is due on Monday/04-01-2019



Global History & Geography, Marking Period 2, Spring 2019
Attached are the History Reading Comprehension Homework Package # 1, due on Monday (03/25/19).
Please print on both sides to reduce paper usage.



Global History Project for 1st Marking Period of Spring 2019

Due on 03/14/19

You will be require to do the following work:
  1. Choose on of the two following two topics: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism
  2. Form a group of 3.
  3. You need to write a report and prepare a poster.
  4. Your report should include the following:
    • definition of industrial revolution/Imperialism
    • Causes of industrial revolution/Imperialism
    • Changes/inventions brought by the industrial revolution/Imperialism
    • Effects of industrial revolution/Imperialism
  5. In your report and poster you must include text and images.
  6. The report should be 4-5 pages long.
  7. In printing the report follow the following guidance:
    • A cover page listing the following:
      • The School's Name
      • Class
      • Teacher's name
      • Date
      • Topic
      • Group Member name [must Include First and Last Names]
    • The report should be typed double spaced.
    • the report should be printed on one side of standard letter-size paper.
    • the type font must be 12 size [Times New Roman or Calibri or Arial]
    • The text must be black,
    • images could be black and white of gray scale or color.
    • You may decorate the cover page.
  8. Late submission will not be accepted, except with a valid cause.



Please download the attached reading assignment. Print it double-sided and complete the reading questions.
Submit it on the due date.
Good Luck!



The attached file is a reading assignment for National Unification of Germany and Italy.
Please download the file, complete the work and submit on the due date. 
Print on both sides to minimize the number of paper used.



Attached is your reading assignment on Congress of Vienna and the Industrial Revolution. Download the pages and complete the work and submit by Monday (February 18, 2019)



Please download the reading comprehension handouts and complete them by the due date for submission.



Global History / Homework Package # 1
Please download the package and complete the activities.



The attached file contains the detailed instruction for your final project. Download the  file and complete your project. May Allah help you. :)



Please download the reading assignments on the Gunpowder Empires and complete comprehension questions.



The following is the study Guide for your upcoming Test tomorrow:

The following topics are covered:
Renaissance and Reformation
Global Trade and European Resurgence / Crusades and their role in growth of trade
The Plague and Its Impact
Absolutism in England
Read Your Textbook, handouts and my notes. The slides are online.
Review the following questions. Read every detail about the questions.

  1. What caused the Black death
  2. What were some of the consequences of Black Death
  3. What caused the renaissance to take place?
  4. What societal cause helped renaissance?
  5. What factors helped bring about Renaissance?
  6. What was Renaissance humanism? What did the humanists do?
  7. What was the nature of the renaissance art?
  8. What was the protestant reformation?
  9. What caused the protestant reformation to begin
  10. What was the impact of the Protestant Reformation?
  11. contributes to artistic development.
  12. An economy based on subsistence agriculture encourages artistic development.
  13. Why were the Italian City States able to dominate trade with Middle East? How did the Hanseatic league play a role in European trade?
  14. Why did England not turn to absolutism? What role Magna Carta play in it?
  15. What was the result of the increased trade during the late middle ages?
  16. What caused crusades? How did crusades help the increase in trade? What did Alexius I do in the crusades?
  17. European religious unity was disrupted by the newly established religions.
  18. Henry VIII led a stronger religious reform movement than Martin Luther did.
  19. What is commercial revolution? How is characterized? What institutions were developed during the commercial revolution?



Please download the reading comprehension file on Reformation and complete the assignments.



Please download the handout file on Incas, Read the information and complete the activity.



Download the attached file. Print the document and complete it.



Project Work
1. Download the attached pdf file with the vocabulary work.
2. Choose one or two sections
3. Choose 10 terms from your chosen section.
4. Make a booklet with those 10 terms.
5. It would be a 10 page booklet. On side of the page you will have the vocabulary word in large fonts and on the other side of the page there would be the definition/explanation of the term.
5. Have a cover page with the topic, your name, school, subject, grade and teacher's name.
6. Work individually.



Please download the file and complete the work.



Please download the attached document and complete the activity for this week;s homework, by Monday.



Download the attched worksheets and complete them



Russia is a huge country with a lot of ethnic diversity. Russia is officially known as "Russian Federation" and it is made of of few republics.
  1. Do a research about Russian Federation.
  2. Find out how many republics are in Russian Federation.
  3. Name the Republics, their Capitals and President.
  4. List the main language spoken in the republic.
  5. Find the total population of the Republic and percentage of Muslim Population of each of the republics.



Global History & Geography Project



Download the worksheets and complete them



This is part 1 of Homework Package - 2



This is your part  2 of your homework package 2



Attached are questions that you need to study for your quiz on Thursday 09/20/2018.