sr. Safaa mohamed Hassan » 9G2 Quran

9G2 Quran

For this week you have to review Surat al Ahqaf from ayah 1-19. Then, memorize from ayah 20-21. After we finish this page you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Also you have to send me a photo of the writing for this page. Then, send me a photo of the page you wrote. Reminder: we have a test every Monday.
For this weeks homework you have to review Surat al Ahqaf from ayah 1-21. Then, memorize from ayah 22-25. Then, you have to send a video of you read the page. you have a test every monday.
For this weeks homework you have to review Surat al Ahqaf from ayah 1-25. And you have to memorize from ayah 26-28. After you finish this page you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Reminder: we have a test every monday.
For this weeks homework you have to review Surat al Ahqaf from 1-28. And memorize Surat al Ahqaf from 29-30. After we finish this weeks Homework you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Reminder: We have a test every monday.
For this weeks homework you have to review Surat al Ahqaf from 1-30. And memorize Surat al Ahqaf from 31-33. After you finish this page you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Reminder: You have a test every monday.

For this weeks homework you have to memorize Surat al Ahqaf from 34-35. And you have to review Surat al Ahqaf from 1-33. After you finish this page you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Reminder: you have a test every monday.
For this weeks Homework you have to memorize Surat al Jathiyah from ayah 1 -6. Then you have to review Surat al ahqaf. After you finish this page you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Reminder: you have a test every monday.
For this weeks Homework you have to memorize Surat al Jathiyya from 12-14. And you have to review Surat al Jathiyya from 1-11. After you finish this page you have to send me a video of you reading this page. Reminder: we have a test every Monday.
For this weeks Homework you have to memorize Surat Al Jathiyya from 15-17. And you have to review Surat Al Jathiyya from 1-14. After you finish this page you have to send me a video of reading this page. Reminder: you have a test every Monday.