Sh/ Emad - Islamic Studies for High School Boys

Course Description

Students and Parents, 
please follow up with my posts to keep the grades high and to make sure that students get the best Islamic Education inshaallah. 
Feel free to email me for any questions. 

Upcoming Assignments See all

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Extra credit

Write an essay about one of the Muslim battles that happened in the time of the one of the rightly guided caliphs . 
Make sure that you include the following: 
the name of the battle 
the leader of the battle 
who is the enemy 
what are the results 
Mention one situation that shows the bravery of the Muslims

Vacation H.W. Islamic Studies

dear students, 
Assalamu alikom, 
Your homework is to review the Islamic studies lessons that we studied so far from the beginning of the year till now .
Also pick one of the recent lessons and write a summary about it in your notebook.
inshallah when you come back we will have a test as we are getting ready for the Islamic studies competition. 
This homework will be added to your grades , so you must do it. I wish you happy and great vacation. If you have any questions, please email me .